
分类:爱心传递  发布时间:2024-09-21 09:21:24





Part I Reading Comprehension(30%)
Directions:There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by somequestions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choicesmarked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Passage 1
Questions 1 to 5are based on the following passage:
Morethan 30,000 drivers and front seat passengers are killed or seriously injuredeach year. 76)At aspeed of only 30 miles per hour it is the same as falling from a third-floorwindow.Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or seriousinjury by more than half.
Thereforedrivers or front passengers over 14 in most vehicles must wear a seat belt. Ifyou do not, you could be fried up to 50. It will not be up to the drivers tomake sure you wear your belt. 77)But it will be the driver's responsibility to makesure that children under 14 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing aseat belt of some kind.
However,you do not have to wear a seat belt if you are reversing(倒开)your vehicle; or you are making a local delivery or collection using a specialvehicle; or if you have valid(有效的) medicalcertificate which excuses you from wearing it, Make sure these circumstancesapply to you before you decide not to wear your seat belt. Remember you may betaken to court for not doing so, and you may be fined if you cannot prove tothe court that you have been excused from wearing it.
1. This passage is most probably takenfrom__________.
A. amedical magazine  B. alegal document
C.the Federal Laws  D. apolice report
2. Wearing a seat belt in a vehicle__________.
A.reduces road accidents by more than half.
B.saves lives while driving at a speed up to 30 miles per hour
C.reduces the death rate in traffic accidents
D.saves more than 15,000 lives each year
3. It is the driver's responsibility to__________.
A.make the front seat passenger wear a seat belt
B.make the front seat children under 14 wear a seat belt
C.stop children riding in the front seat
D.wear a seat belt each time he drives
4. According to the passage, who, tiding in thefront,
doesnot have to wear a seat belt?
A.Someone who is backing into a packing space.
B. Someonewho is picking up the children from the local school.
C.Someone who is delivering invitation letters.
D.Someone who is under 14.
5. For some people, it may be better
A. towear a seat belt for health reasons
B.not to wear a seat belt for health reasons
C. toget a valid medical certificate before wearing a seat belt.
D. topay a fine rather than wear a seat belt.
( 1.D    2.C    3.B   4.A    5.B  )
Passage 2(Questions 6-10 are based the following passage)
Long bus rides are like television shows. They have abeginning, a middle, and an end-with commercials thrown in every three or fourminutes. The commercials are unavoidable. They happen whether you want them ornot. Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window. “BuySuper Clean Toothpaste.” “Drink Good’n Wet Root Beer.” “Fill up with PacificGas.” Only if you sleep, which is equal to turning the television set off, areyou spared the unending cry of “You Need It! Buy It Now!”
The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhatexciting, even if you’ve traveled that way before. Usually some things havechanged-new houses, new buildings, sometimes even a new road. The bus driverhas a style of driving and it’s fun to try to figure it out the first hour orso. (78)If the driver isparticularly reckless or daring, the ride can be as thrilling as a suspensestory. Will the driver pass the truck in time? Will thedriver move into the right or the left-hand lane? After a while, of course, theexcitement dies down. Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of theride. Food always makes bus rides more interesting. But you’ve got to becareful of what kind of food you eat. Too much salty food can make you verythirsty between stops.
The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning.You know it will soon be over and there’s a kind of expectation and excitementin that. The seat, of course, has become harder as the hours have passed. (79)By now you’ve sat with you legscrossed, with your hands crossed behind your head. The end comesjust at the right time. There are just no more ways to sit.
6. According tothe passage, what do the passengers usually see when they are on a long bustrip?
A. Buses on the road.   B. Films on television.
C. Advertisements on the board.  D. Gas stations.
7. What is thepurpose of this passage?
A. To give the writer’s opinion about long bus trips.
B. To persuade you to take a long bus trip.
C. To explain how bus trips and television showsdiffer.
D. To describe the billboards along the road.
8. The writer ofthis passage would probably favor
A. bus drivers who weren’t reckless       B. driving alone
C. a television set on the bus     D. no billboards along the road
9. The writerfeels long bus rides are like TV shows because
A. the commercials both on TV shows and on billboardsalong the road are fun
B. they both have a beginning, a middle, and an end,with commercials in between
C. the drivers are always reckless on TV shows just asthey are on buses
D. both traveling and watching TV are not exciting
10. The writerthinks that the end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning because both are
A. exciting B.comfortable  C. tiring  D. boring
Passage 3
Questions 11 to 15 are based on thefollowing passage:
Parentshave to do much less for their children today than they used to do, and homehas become much less of a workshop. Clothes can be bought ready made, washingcan go to the laundry, food can be bought cooked, canned or preserved, bread isbaked and delivered by the baker, milk arrives on the doorstep, meals can behad at the restaurant, the works' canteen, and the school diningroom.
It isunusual now for father to continue his trade or other employment at home, andhis children rarely, if ever, see him at his place of work. Boys are thereforeseldom trained to follow their father's occupation, and in many towns they havea fairly wide choice of employment and so do girls.(80) The young wage, earner often earns good money, and soon acquires afeeling of economic independence. In textile areasit has long been customary for mothers to go out to work, but this practice hasbecome so widespread that the working mother is now a not unusual factor in achild's home life, the number of married women in employment having more thandoubled in the last twenty five years. With mother earning and his olderchildren drawing substantial wages, father is seldom the dominant (支配的)figurethat he still was at the beginning of the century When mother works, economicadvantages increase, but children lose something of great value if mother'semployment' prevents her from being home to greet them when they return fromschool.
11. The writer compares home to a workshop because__________.
A.fathers often pursue employment at home
B.parents have to make food and necessity themselves for their daily-life
C.many families produce goods at home for sale
D.both fathers and mothers in most families are workers
12. The writer says that home has become much lessof a workshop. He means __________.
A. inthe past, home was more like a workshop
B.home is much more of a workshop now
C.home-workshops are becoming fewer and fewer and fewer
D.home was less like a workshop in the past
13. The chief reason that boys are seldom trained tofollow their father's occupation is __________.
A. that children nowadays rarely see theirfathers at their place of work
B.that fathers do not like to pursue employment at home any more
C.that there is a wide choice of. employment for children
D.that children also like to have jobs outside
14. What makes father no longer be the only dominant__________.
personin a family?
A.With their earning, mother and childrendo not need to depend on father for their life.
B.There are many choices of employment for mothers and children.
C.Father does much less for his children today than he used to.
D.The number of married women in employment has increased greatly now.
15. It is implied in this passage that__________.
A.mothers have the practice to go to work
B.working mothers have no time to Stay with their children at home
C.young wage-earners are economically independent
D.mother's position in a family has been raised
  ( 1 1.B      12.A       13.C       14.A       15.D)
Part II Vocabulary and Structure(30%
Directions: In this part there are 30incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, Cand D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
16. You might have        the accident if you had had your headlightson.
A. missed B. avoided C. escaped    D. dismissed
17. The streets were deserted        the policeman on duty.
A. except B. except for  C. but    D. besides
18. It said that he        murder.
A. committed B. conducted   C. executed  D.emitted
19.If the sun        in the west, I would follow you.
A. were to rise B. was to rise   C. had risen  D.would rise
20.He let me use his computer and        return I treated him to dinner.
A. for         B. as  C. in    D. of
21.It was not until she has arrived home remembered her appointmentwith the doctor.
A. when she B. that she      C. and she    D.she
22.We didn’t know his telephone number; otherwise we        him.
A. had telephone     B. wouldtelephone
C. must havetelephoned D.would have telephoned
23.Don’t risk        the chance which so many people dream of.
A. losing B. to lose      C. lost   D. your life to lose
24. I see no        in leaving my company since I am doing quitewell there.
A. reason B. excuse     C. point  D. chance
25.       to speak when the audienceinterrupted him.
A. Hardly had hebegun B. Nosooner had he begun
C. Not until hebegan    D.Scarcely did he begin
26. He finished reading and went on        a composition.
A. write   B. to write   C. writing     D. being written
27.       for your help, we’d neverhave been able to get over the difficulties.
A. Had it not  B. If it were not   C. had it not been    D. If we had not been
28. Now the committee        seven members.
A. consist of B. is consisting of   C. is consisted of     D. consists of
29. There are no seats        for those who are late for the show.
A. available B. enough     C. supplied      D.make
30. The problem        at the meeting next week is of greatimportance.
A. discussed B. to be discussed   C. being discussed  D. discussing
31. The trip will be        till next week because of the bad weather.
A. put out B. put off     C. put on   D. put up
32. It is recommended that the project      until all the preparations have been made.
A. not bestarted  B.will not be started
C. is notstarted   D.is not to be started
33. It’s time        about the traffic problem downtown.
A. something wasdone B.anything will be done
C. everything isdone D.nothing to be done
34. John is determined to carry out thevery important experiment        happens, he will not change his plan.
A. That B. Whatever     C. What      D. Wherever
35.        at the station, John found the train had justleft.
A. On reaching B. On arrival   C. At reaching   D.At arrival
36. Soon he got        his difficulties and succeeded.
A. across B. away       C. over     D.through
37.        he had forgot to take his notebook.
A. That occurredto him B. To himthat occurred
C. He occurredthat D.It occurred to him that
38. They discussed the problem three orfour times and finally came to        .
A. end B. conclusion      C. result       D. judgment
39.It        aroundnine o’clockwhen I drove back home because it was already dark.
A. had to be B. was to be   C. must have been   D.must be
40. I’d rather that you        tomorrow than today.
A. came B. will come   C. had come   D. is coming
41. I wish I        to study English years ago.
A. had started B. started      C. could start   D.would start
42. I doubt         .
A. whether hecan come B. ifhe can come or not
C. while he willbe here D. thathe will come
43. The children were surprised when theteacher had them  their books unexpectedly.
A. closed B. to close   C. closing  D.close
44. It is not use  .
A. to buy booksand not to read them B. buying booksand not to read them
C. buying booksand not reading them D. to buy books andnot reading them
45. This is the place  the foreign guests are going to visit
A. where B. when    C. how  D.which
Part III Identification (10%)
Directions: Each of the following sentenceshas four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is notcorrect. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a singleline     through the center.
46. During the holidays, everytrain and steamboat were crowded.
47. Pioneer woman in the West had moreopportunities to work than they had in the East.

48. Even though the children pretendedasleep, the nurses were not deceived when they came in tothe room.
49. Neither John or his father wasable to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.

50. The reason Michael has made suchgreat progress is because he has never wasted his time.
51. The chairman proposed that everyspeaker must limit himself to fifteen minutes.
52. Mr. Jackin regretted to blamehis secretary for the mistake, for he later discovered itwas his own fault.
53. You will not be able to succeed exceptyou work harder than you do now.
54. Jack has set his mind to go to collegenext year even though he hasn’t saved up enough money to pay his tuition.
55. The book was so bored that I returnedit to the library without finishing it.

Part IV Cloze (10%)
Directions: there are 20 blanks in thefollowing passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and Dat the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fits into thepassage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a singleline through the center.
Television, it is often said, keeps one 56)   about current events, allows one to follow the
57)   developments in science and politics, and   58)   an endless series of programs which are both   59)   and stimulating. The most distant   60)   and the strangest customs are brought right   61)   one’s sitting room. It could be argued thatthe radio performs this    62)   just as well; but on television everything ismuch more living, much more   63)   .Yet here is a danger. The television screen itself has a terrible, almostphysical fascination for us. We get   64)   used to looking at its movements, so   65)   on its flickering pictures, that it begins to   66)   our lives. A friend of   67)   told me the other day that his television sethad broken   68)   and that he and his family had suddenly foundthat they had far more time to do things, and that they had   69)   begun to talk to each other again. It makesone think,   70)   it!
There are many other arguments for and against television. The poor 71)   of its programs is often criticized. But isundoubtedly a great comfort to many   72)   elderly people. And does it corrupt orinstruct our children? I think we must realize that television   73)   is neither good nor bad. It is the uses   74)   which it is put that determine its   75)   to society.
56. A. informative B. informed             C.knowing              D. familiar
57. A. latter B. late                       C.latest                    D. later
58. A. offers B. awards                         C.rewards                D. avails
59. A. teaching B. instructive           C. constructive        D.illuminating
60. A. nations B. powers                 C.states                    D. countries
61. A. up to B. into                      C.down                   D. inside
62. A. business B. aid                        C.service                         D. duty
63. A. true B.vivid                    C. actual                   D. real
64. A. quite B. much                   C.so                         D. rather
65. A. dependable B. dependent           C.reliable                D. relying
66. A. dominate B. master                  C.rule                      D. ruin
67. A. me B.my                      C. mine                    D. I
68. A. down B.up                        C. off                        D. out
69. A. truly B. actually               C.genuinely            D. ruin
70. A. does B.doesn’t                C. isn’t                     D. is
71. A. quantity B. quality                         C.character              D. grade
72. A. lonely B. alone                    C.single                   D. solitary
73. A. by itself B. of itself                C.in itself                D. itself
74. A. into B.to                                  C. on                        D. toward
75. A. price B. worth                   C.merit                    D. value
Part V Translation (20%)

Section A

Directions: In this part there are fivesentences which you should translate into Chinese. These sentences are alltaken from the 3 passage you have just read in the part of ReadingComprehension. You can refer back to the passages so as to identify theirmeanings in the context.
76. At a speed of only 30 miles per hour itis the same as falling from a third-floor window.
77. But it will be the driver'sresponsibility to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in the frontunless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind.
78. If the driver is particularly recklessor daring, the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story.
79. By now you’ve sat with you legscrossed, with your hands crossed behind your head.
80. The young wage, earner often earns goodmoney, and soon acquires a feeling of economic independence.

Section B

Directions: In this part there are fivesentences in Chinese. You should translate them into English. Be sure to writeclearly.
          BAABB  CDBCA  AADCD  
46-55  DABAC     BABBA 





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